Procrastination Prevention Programs
The average person has 250,000 hours between age 18 and retirement. Sadly, many spend and waste time on insignificant things in life. Eric helps people understand that everybody has a set amount of time in life to accomplish their life’s calling, which leading to the urgency of spending time efficiently and purposefully. He shares his philosophies and encourages others to spend time on activities that are fruitful, productive, and aligned with their life’s calling.
Through his stories and motivating concepts, tips and strategies, Eric helps leaders better manage their time so that they get more done with less effort to increase efficiency, productivity and profitability. Topics include:
Procrastination - Stop Wasting Time
Pressure Prompting - Last Minute Won’t Do
Getting Ahead of Your Calendar - Stay on Track
Creating the Perfect Day - Within Your Current Life
The Urgency of Now™ - Live on Purpose Now
Keep Your Eyes on the Prize
One Moment In Time
What Drives You
Eric’s 7 Steps of Effective Time Management™ is a guide to help clients stay focused, access a checklist and employ an accountability system for improving their time management approaches.
Have you visited our pages on inspiration and gifts and talents? Find out about workshops, seminars and other team building activities Eric offers. Call 1-888-812-4705.